Now I just have to manage a single mount.Īs a start I think we should not support nested remotes. Remotes="backblaze: backblaze, gdrive_home: gdrive/home, gdrive_office: gdrive/office" Rclone can handle all of the mountings as a new remote maybe `combine` or `join`. # How do you think rclone should be changed to solve that? I've a script to handle mounting but I think it's better if rclone handles this internally. # also if mount fails then `fusermount -uz` and stuff Rclone mount gdrive_office: mount/gdrive/office Rclone mount gdrive_home: mount/gdrive/home Most of the time I want to mount all of them in one particular directory, roughly as follows: I use a few google drive + backblaze remotes and it is not quite easy to work with all of them.

# What problem are you are trying to solve? # What is your current rclone version (output from `rclone version`)? TEAMDRIVES not as remote but all teamdrives as folders Or a separate remote for all all teamdrives where all teamdrives I am added to are folders or Teamdrive like Root Drive and both root Drive and teamdrive inside Google Drive remote that is the structure is- 1. I don't think its hard to add support for multiple teamdrives when those 17-20 softwares already natively support teamdrives. There are people who have/added to hundreds of TeamDrive either for academics, business, media server movies contents/Plex. Only few ( I guess 3-4) softwares (but all are gui software, none is like rclone and linux user need a cli tool)mentioned here are fully supported in Linux, please think about them. Examples - MountainDuck, netdrive, webdrive, Airexplorer, FileZilla Pro,kodi add-on, stremio add-on, mixplorer, X-plore, ,expandrive, cloudmounter, raidrive, SolidExplorer, gd-share, airlivedrive, Google File Stream, nPlayer,sharelist

#Raidrive pro software#
What had made him think 1 TEAMDRIVE 1 REMOTE is best idea to support teamdrive? Literally, literally every Google Drive software and app / 3rd party google drive clients support Multiple Teamdrives either for google drive copy/sync move or mounting. I mean literally when adding Support Google Drive support in rclone why ncw had thought to implement, 1 REMOTE 1 TEAMDRIVE.